DOHA Guideline F Victory

DOHA Victory – Bill Savarino won another case at the Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals (DOHA). This was a Guideline F (financial considerations) case involving an applicant with who had significant past due debt.

LAW goes to Dublin

Partners Bill Savarino and Victor Klingelhofer participated in the Lawyers Associated Worldwide (LAW) European Regional Meeting held in Dublin, Ireland. Cohen Mohr is a member of LAW, which is an international association of law firms.

DOHA Guideline H Victory

DOHA Victory – Bill Savarino and his security clearance team were successful in persuading the Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals (DOHA) to withdraw a Statement of Reasons (SOR) concerning Guideline H (drug involvement) issues. DOHA was persuaded to grant the clearance without going to a hearing.