Another DOHA Clearance Victory

Bill Savarino saved another clearance before the Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals (DOHA). The applicant was denied a clearance under Guideline D Sexual Behavior, Guideline E Personal Conduct, and Guideline M Use of Information Technology Systems. For over a year, the applicant had viewed pornography on his work issued laptop both at his office and while away on business. The Department of Defense also alleged that the applicant had engaged in sexual misconduct in his office. Mr. Savarino was able to overturn the denial following a 5 hour hearing in Arlington, VA.

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Client Alert – Know your rights when the government terminates your contract

Two of President Donald J. Trump’s recently issued Executive Orders direct federal agencies to end their Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) programs. As a result, agencies that contracted for DEIA services are now terminating those contracts for the government’s convenience. Clink on this post for more information about how we can help with termination issues.
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Another successful intervention

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When in doubt – intervene!

John O'Brien recently protected our client's contract in a post-award GAO  protest. In affirming the award, GAO rejected the protestor's arguments about corporate experience.