Bill Savarino and his security clearance team have won four more cases at DOHA (Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals):
- The first case involved allegations of deception (Guideline E), where the applicant was accused of lying on his SF-86 form. Five witnesses were called during the 7 hour hearing at DOHA.
- The second case involved two allegations; one pertaining to foreign preference (Guideline B), where the applicant had family in India, and the other pertaining to outside activities (Guideline L), where the applicant had arrangements with a family business in India. This case also involved a complicated hearing at DOHA.
- The third case also involved two allegations; one pertaining to foreign preference (Guideline B), where the applicant had family in India, and the other pertaining to outside activities (Guideline L), where the applicant’s company owned other businesses in India and Germany and members of the applicant’s family served as directors for these other companies. Bill Savarino and his team convinced DOHA to withdraw the Statement of Reasons and grant the clearance without a hearing.
- The fourth case involved allegations of criminal conduct (Guideline J), where the applicant had pled guilty to possession of drugs. Because the applicant was sentenced to time in excess of one year, DOHA also alleged that the applicant was disqualified from receiving a clearance based on the Smith Amendment, 10 U.S.C. 986. Bill Savarino and his team convinced DOHA to withdraw the Statement of Reasons and grant the clearance without a hearing.