The Firm

This section provides useful news and resources such as links to information and assistance sites for legal matters, articles published by Cohen Mohr attorneys, representative cases, and various policies and procedures relevant to our practice areas.

The Firm

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GAO Protest Decision Information International Associates, Inc.

Agency unreasonably evaluated awardee’s proposal as containing a strength where the added benefit identified by the agency was either not consistent with the terms of the solicitation or not adequately supported by the record, and the...
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Defending Against a GAO Bid Protest: Protecting Your Contract Award

Most government contractors know they can protest a contract award to another competitor at the Government Accountability Office ("GAO").  
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Bid Protests Challenging “Other Transaction Agreement” Procurements

On May 31, 2018, GAO, for the first time, sustained a bid protest in connection with an "Other Transaction Agreement" ("OTA"). See Oracle America, Inc. B-416061, May 31, 2018, 2018 CPD ¶ ___.      
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Joint Venture Agreements: Make a List and Check it Twice

When the Government issues a procurement as a set aside for entities within a specified small business status program (e.g. SDVOSB, VOSB, EDWOSB, WOSB, 8(a), HUBZone, and small business), eligible companies may not have the capacity...
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Should I File a Bid Protest at GAO?

You were just notified by the government that your proposal, for an important government contract or task order that you were hoping to be awarded, was unsuccessful. The question that immediately jumps to your mind is...
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VA Temporarily Suspending Incoming CVE SDVOSB Applications

The VA OSDBU and Center for Verification and Evaluation (CVE) announced that on May 21, 2018, CVE will suspend its acceptance of applications submitted by companies seeking to become verified (or re-verified) as an SDVOSB for...